Generative AI and Digital Human for more empathy

Infusing empathy into technology – supercharged by Generative AI – breathes life into a world where brands engage in human-like conversations.

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Now, picture the future of brand engagement with human-touch, and imagine the immersive online shopping experience it creates.

Say hello to the next-gen customer communication

Experience the power of DiALOGiFY, the industry-leading chatbot solution that seamlessly integrates with Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI technologies to provide a second-to-none user experience with empathy. Powered by DiALOGiFY, our enterprise-grade no-code conversational AI platform enables businesses to automate customer and employee interactions. With DiALOGiFY, you can:

  • Design, test, deploy, analyze, and manage intelligent virtual assistants to save time and money.
  • Integrate with Generative AI from Open AI and other popular technologies to accelerate virtual assistant development.
  • Seamlessly interact with customers and employees, also on voice and digital channels in 100+ languages.
  • Thanks to the rigorous separation of personal data, data protection and Generative AI form a harmonious duo at DiALOGiFY.


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The Industry-First Conversational Assistant with the Added Power of LLMs and Generative AI

Deliver better content relevance, comprehensive answers, and contextually personalized search results with DiALOGiFY. By combining the power of DiALOGiFY’s leading conversational search capabilities, Large Language Models (LLMs), and Generative AI technologies, DiALOGiFY provides the following advanced features:


Data Extraction and Indexing

  • Extract and intelligently index data from structured and unstructured sources like webpages, documents, product catalogs, videos, and images.
  • Configure crawlers to extract data.
  • Extract data on demand or at defined frequencies, and classify and cluster documents.

Index and Query Management

  • Enrich ingested data using a business-friendly, no-code index workbench.
  • Extract traits, semantic understanding, and NLP features for better search relevance.
  • Configure business rules and tune relevance to provide a personalized search experience.

Prebuilt Connectors

  • Connect seamlessly with website crawlers, eCommerce portals, workplace enterprise systems, and customer support systems using prebuilt connectors.
  • Enable efficient data integration and streamline search capabilities.


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Deliver Humanized and Effective Customer Experiences

With DiALOGiFY, you can provide the best self-service experiences using conversational AI across voice and digital channels. Automate interactions for customer delight and employee assistance with our domain-trained, ready-to-deploy, and highly customizable solutions:

Virtual Concierge, Salesperson, Brand-voice

  • Personalized product discovery, pricing, and promotions.
  • Conversational commerce assistant, outreach, and loyalty services.
  • Order tracking and status updates.

Smart Contact Center

  • Automate customer service calls and achieve a zero call abandon rate.
  • Provide agent assistance and connect customers with department experts.
  • Allow handover to human to human interaction anytime.

Employee Assistant

  • Virtual assistant to answer FAQs and assist with inventory and product lookup.
  • Order status updates and cross/up-selling recommendations.
  • Streamline employee onboarding and provide HR/IT support.

Intelligent Search Made Natural

Traditional search lacks contextual understanding and personalization, but DiALOGiFY changes the game with its intelligent conversational search assistant. Key features include:

  • Discover user intent from natural human chat or voice utterances.
  • Return contextual and personalized search results through a virtual assistant or traditional search bar on web and mobile channels.
  • Enable follow-up actions, inquiries, and agent transfer for a seamless search experience.

Adding a Human Touch to AI with a virtual speaking avatar

Experience the future of conversational AI with a virtual speaking avatar, the world’s first app that allows users to hold real-time conversations with AI-powered digital humans. Powered by a combination of D-ID’s advanced facial animation technology and Generative AI, a virtual speaking avatar provides a more human and natural way to interact using speech and video.

Why Choose Generative AI and DiALOGiFY?

Generative AI and DiALOGiFY together provide a powerful and empathetic chatbot solution. By integrating Generative AI cutting-edge language capabilities with DiALOGiFY’s conversational AI platform, you benefit from:

  • Advanced natural language understanding and generation for realistic and human-like conversations.
  • No-code development environment for easy setup, customization, and deployment of chatbot projects.
  • Seamless integration with voice and digital channels to reach your customers and employees effectively*.
  • Empathetic user experiences that deliver personalized interactions, increasing customer satisfaction and engagement.
  • Industry-leading conversational search capabilities, providing better search relevance and comprehensive answers.
  • At DiALOGiFY, GDPR compliance is at the forefront. Through meticulous separation of personal data and the integration of Generative AI, we ensure the highest level of data protection.

Questions? Maybe how Generative AI works? Read the Blog “How Generative AI works”.


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Ready to revolutionize your customer and employee interactions with Generative AI and DiALOGiFY?

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